『Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight (Hyperspace) -Near Mint Foil Star Wars: Unlimited 海外 即決』はセカイモンでvwzpjixeから出品され、64の入札を集めて02月26日 17時 53分に、24260円で落札されました。即決価格は24260円でした。決済方法はに対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 |
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight (Hyperspace) -Near Mint Foil Star Wars: Unlimited (Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight (Hyperspace) -Near Mint Foil Star Wars: Unlimited) |
商品画像一覧 |
商品説明 |
※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 |
IMAGES ARE STOCK IMAGES AND NOT OF THE ACTUAL ITEMSet Name: Spark of RebellionRelease Date: 2024-03-08Rarity: LegendaryCard Name: Luke Skywalker - Jedi KnightCard Number: 317Card Type: UnitTraits: Force,Jedi,RebelCost: 7CARD CONDITION GUIDEThe condition of a card is determined by the number and extent of imperfections that a card exhibits. Imperfections are any atypical printing or manufacturing defects, and any wear or damage to the card after that printing process. Imperfections are characterized by both a Type (ex: scratch) and a Severity (ex: slight). Near Mint /// Near Mint FoilCards in Near Mint (NM) condition show minimal wear from shuffling, play or handling and can have a nearly unmarked surface, crisp corners and unblemished edges outside of a few slight flaws. A Near Mint card may have slight edge wear or a scratch or three, but overall look nearly unplayed with no major defects.The acceptable range of cards within the Near Mint condition includes both cards with no imperfections and cards with a few slight imperfections.Lightly Played /// Lightly Played FoilCards in Lightly Played (LP) condition may have minor border or corner wear, scuffs or scratches. There are no major defects such as grime, bends or issues with the structural integrity of the card. Noticeable imperfections are okay, but none should be too severe or at too high a volume.The acceptable range of cards within the Lightly Played condition includes both cards with few or a handful of minor imperfections.Moderately Played /// Moderately Played FoilCards in Moderately Played (MP) condition can have border wear, corner wear, scratching or scuffing, creases or whitening or any combination of moderate examples of these flaws.A Moderately Played card may have some form of imperfection impacting a small area of the card from mishandling or poor storage, such as creasing that doesnt affect card integrity, in combination with other issues such as scratches, scuffs or border/edge wear.Heavily Played /// Heavily Played FoilCards in Heavily Played (HP) condition show a major amount of wear. Cards can show a variety of moderate imperfections along with creasing, whitening and bends. Heavily Played cards can also have flaws that impact the integrity of the card, but the card can still be sleeve playable.Damaged /// Damaged FoilDamaged cards show wear or imperfections beyond the standards for other conditions. Cards in Damaged condition can also exhibit an imperfection that may make the card illegal for tournament play, even in a sleeve. Cards in Damaged condition may have major border wear, corner wear, scratching or scuffing, as well as folds, creases, tears or other damage that impacts the structural integrity of the card. |
落札時の注意事項/良くあるご質問 |
【お支払いについて】 弊社ショップでは、クレジットカード決済またはPayPay残高払いのみ対応しております。 万が一、お支払いの確認ができない場合には、購入のご意思が無いものとして、お取り引きをキャンセルとする場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 |
【送料について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、全て送料無料でお届けしております。 落札金額以外にお支払いいただく費用はございませんので、ご安心くださいませ。 |
【お届け先のご住所について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、個人使用を前提として商品の通関を行っております。 東京税関の指導により、個人輸入の配送先はお客様(輸入者)のご自宅住所1か所で、個人の氏名に限定されております。 よって商品の配送先は、個人の住所を登録してください。住所が会社や法人、団体などの場合は商用とみなされ、通関できない恐れがあります。 そのため、配送先が個人の自宅住所以外になる場合は、購入はお控えください。 |
【お取り引きのキャンセルについて】 落札成立後、出品者とのお取引が開始しているのでキャンセルはできません。 商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。 |
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